Trees, shrubs, scandent shrubs or woody climbers; young branches terete or subterete, with a longitudinally groove in the middle on the wider side, bark smooth, glabrous or with sparse and short hairs or densely puberulous; older branches subterete, bark smooth or shallowly fissured, glabrous or with sparse and short hairs. Leaves simple, opposite; blade variable in shape, elliptic, broadly elliptic, oblong, obovate, lanceolate or fiddle-like shaped; base attenuate, cuneate to rounded; apex acute or acuminate; coriaceous or membranous, glabrous, with sparse and short hairs, puberulous or tomentose; lateral veins prominent or obscure, domatia usually present in axils of lateral veins on the lower leaf surface. Interpetiolar stipules acuminate, cuspidate, truncate, obtuse, bilobed, quadrangular or foliaceous, usually partially connate and forming a sheath enclosing basal parts of the internode. Inflorescence terminal and/or axillary, in umbel-like arrangement, solitary or paired, with ovaries connate into pedunculate capitula, each capitulum composes of many flowers fused by their ovaries. Flowers 46-merous, fragrant, bisexual; usually heterostylous, with brevistylous and longistylous flowers; calyx tube at least basally connate; calyx lobes truncate or denticulate, acute or obtuse, one teeth sometimes enlarged and subfoliaceous; corolla infundibular or hypocrateriform, white or coloured; corolla tube inside glabrous or usually covered with sparse and short hairs and in upper half villous or with long hairs, lower part of tube with or without longitudinal narrow slits below stamens; corolla lobes oblong or elliptic, glabrous or usually covered with sparse and short hairs at base. Stamens included or exserted in the corolla tube; filaments short or long, anthers included or exserted. Ovary 2-locular, with 2 ovules per locule; stigma bilobed, included or slightly exserted. Infructescences globose, subglobose, ellipsoid or oblique, consist of fused drupes or fruitlets not distinctly fused. Seeded pyrenes 14 per fruitlet, flattened, concavo-convex, ovoid or ellipsoid, with a narrow transversal slit at lower part, seed coat membranous.