morinda tomentosa, Morinda tomentosa
Trees up to 15 m; young branches terete, bark smooth, greenish, densely puberulous; older branches subterete, bark shallowly fissured, brownish to grey, with sparse and short hairs. Leaves elliptic, 89.5 by 15.523 cm, coriaceous; base cuneate; margin entire; apex acute or acuminate; upper leaf surface dark or light green, puberulous, lower leaf surface greenish, tomentose; lateral veins 812 pairs, venation prominent, domatia usually present in axils of secondary vein on the lower surface; drying dark black; petiole 13 cm long, with dense hairs. Stipules triangular, acute to acuminate, connate at base, usually caducous. Inflorescence axillary; capitula solitary or paired; peduncle at anthesis 24.5 cm long. Flowers 56-merous, fragrant, bisexual; heterostylous; calyx tube basally connate, puberulous; lobes truncate or denticulate; corolla hypocrateriform, white or greenish; corolla tube 1.51.8 cm long, inside glabrous, outside puberulous; corolla lobes oblong, 35.5 by 1014.5 mm. Stamens included or exserted in the corolla tube, attached to the tube by a short filament; filament linear, straight, 14 mm long; anthers yellow, oblong, 5.56.5 mm long; style white, glabrous, 1.21.5 cm long in brevistylous flower, 1.51.8 cm long in longistylous flower. Ovary 2-locular; stigma bilobed, included or exserted in the corolla tube. Infructescences globose or subglobose, with 15-25 fruitlets, fruitlet with short and dense hairs, ripening black. Pyrene elliptic or ovoid, 4.56.5 by 7-11.5 mm long, testa rough.
India, Myanmar, Indo-China.
In dry evergreen and deciduous dipterocarp forests, alt. 100350 m. Flowering period: FebruaryMay.